Friday, March 8, 2013

More Survival Stories

My family stayed inside my home and slept on the floor with a mattress. Later, we went to a motel for the night. We stayed at the motel until Monday, but back at the house, the power was on! When we got back to the house, the blizzard was over. That's how I escaped the blizzard of 2013. by Jonathan

My family escaped the blizzard of 2013.(NEMO) We escaped the blizzard at 4 in the morning to go to Maine. We got to our ski house at 9:00 am, got on our ski clothes, and went to the mountain. We still got first tracks because we left so early. The ride up was pretty bad even though I slept the whole way. I thought skiing was fun because there were little snow piles everywhere. It was all powdahhh so when a skier or snowboarder stopped it made a little snow pile. My sister hated that. When we got home, my sister and I started a fire even though we had power and were in a warm room. We watched a movie and then went to bed. The next day Nemo hit us. We stayed at the ski house all day and played games and watched movies. by Blake

On Saturday February 9, 2013, I woke up in the morning and was shocked because I looked outside and saw snow up to my window! Then I got really happy, so I went outside. "OMG," I said, "I am so going sledding!" I woke my brother up and told him we were going sledding. We asked my dad to bring us to the courthouse, the best sledding place in Barnstable, and he brought us! In the end, let's just say, my brother broke his thumb and his knee. It was so funny! Well, not for him anyway. by Nick

The blizzard of 2013 started sometime on Friday so we turned on the news channel and they said that the blizzard's name was Nemo. My dad and brother got the electrical cords ready for when the power goes out and our neighbor has a generator that he has to go get fuel for so that the generator can run and give us electricity. We also have three fish tanks that we had to hook a cord up to so that our fish wouldn't die. It was cold without heat, and we went through one whole day without heat. Luckily, we also had the Xbox hooked up to a cord so we could watch some movies. by Tristin

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