Saturday, November 14, 2015

Solar Powered Oven

by Fiona

My Solar Powered Oven can cook anything including pizza, chicken, fish and much more. You may be wondering, “How would this be useful in Antarctica?” I’ll tell you, I don't think you'd find many places to cook food in Antarctica because there's no electricity there! So my Solar Powered Oven is actually quite useful, Antarctica or not. The Solar Powered Oven gets its heat from solar panels. The solar panel is painted black because black absorbs heat better than white. The heat from the sun transforms into electricity, that goes through the power cord, giving the oven energy. The energy makes the oven hot, therefore cooking the food.


Solar Powered Giant Luxury Car

by Kyle

        My invention is the solar powered giant luxury car that has special treads on the tires so the car can move on the Antarctic snow. This car could be very useful because it has special spiked tires and a hot tub. This way, if you were out exploring in the cold of Antarctica you could get in the car’s hot tub and warm up. Plus there’s a T.V. in the hot tub room of the car.

Solar Powered Phone

by Vivianna

      My invention is the solar powered phone. It absorbs the sun's energy from solar panels so you can use your phone whenever you want. It’s useful because if you're lost somewhere or something happens, you can always recharge it from the sun. This phone has a solar panel for a screen, so whenever you have to recharge it you can leave it in the sun with the screen facing up. When the sun shines, the solar paneled screen absorbs the energy and converts it into electricity that you can use for your phone.

Solar Powered Steam Room

by Schuyler

Have you ever come inside from a long trek in the snow, wishing you could just relax and get warm? Well it's your lucky day! This Solar Powered Steam system uses the power of the sun to create  a warm, steamy experience that will warm your freezing muscles very quickly. This invention will be very useful because with arctic exploration becoming more and more frequent, plenty of people will come into their shelters wishing to warm up. This ingenious invention uses the power of the sun to make steam, but how? Well first, the sun's energy is collected by the solar panels. Then, the energy is sent through the cord which conducts the electricity through a circuit that leads to vents which create steam for your personal enjoyment.

Catching the Light

Illustration of the sun

Students have been learning about the power of the sun, including solar energy. The following posts are a few of their brilliant solar-powered inventions! Special thanks to Reading Teacher, Mrs. Archambeault for assisting students with their planning, writing, illustrating, and revising.