Monday, April 23, 2018

Save Earth's Water

A belated post for Earth Day. Fifth graders recognize the importance of water . . . something simple that we often take for granted in our part of the world!

Water: Something Small Does Something Big
By Athena S.

Did you know, the water you just washed your hands in could have been
dinosaur spit? Well it's true! If you don’t know a lot about water, allow me to
inform you about the importance of water.

Every living thing needs water to survive. People can go about a week without
food. But without water, they'll only last a couple days! For humans, water will
keep your energy up and your body intact. For plants and animals water helps
them grow big and strong.

People think a little pollution won’t hurt anybody, but it will! You may not care
if gunk gets into the ocean, but the creatures who live there, really do! You may
not know this, but if plastic is not picked up, it will always end up in the ocean.
So take care of your trash, the world will thank you for it. In some places of the
world it hardly rains. In Africa, the average person uses only 3-13 gallons of
water day! While in the US we use about 80-100 a day! That is a big difference.
If you really care, you will stop wasting water.

Now that you know all about water and how everybody on earth needs it, you
need to know how to conserve it. Here are 3 ways how to save water. Number
one, if you shorten your shower by just 3-4 minutes you could save a least 16
gallons of water! Also you can save water by not using your toilet as a trash can
That will clog the pipes, and you will waste a lot of water because you'll be using
more water to get the pipes unclogged. Last, but not least, car washing. Believe
it or not if you actually GO to a car wash you’ll be saving more water there than
if you wash your car yourself.

Now you know that water, a small thing, can make a huge difference.


By Teddy M.            
        Water is very important but we are running out of it. Hi my name is Teddy
and in this article I will be talking about why water is important and how to
conserve it. More than 70% of earth’s surface is covered  in water. So at first I
asked myself “how are we running out water?” It turns out that 97.4% of the
earth’s water is not drinkable. The reason is that the 97.4 % of earth’s water is
salty. This means that only 2.6% of earth’s water is freshwater! Of that 2.6%
freshwater 99% is not available because it is either trapped in glaciers, too far
underground, or in the atmosphere.
            Would you believe that 20% of earth’s population doesn’t have enough
water? For example the average African uses only 3-13 gallons of water. On the
other hand, the average american uses 80-100 gallons of water! Seventy percent
of that is used for farming, 22% is used for industrial purposes, and only 8% is
used for home.

             Every living thing needs water whether it be a plant or a whale.
Pollution from factories can cause acid rain. Acid rain has the power to destroy
whole forests! The great pacific garbage dump is a place in the eastern pacific
where thousands of plastic items are polluting the water. If we pollute water,
whole ecosystems would disappear like the Pantanal. The Pantanal is the largest
tropical wetland in the world. Over 1,100 species live there!  If the Pantanal is
destroyed almost all of those animals would disappear.

          There are many ways to save water. You can use a low flow shower head
or even a low flow toilet! You can also take shorter showers, use a water free car
wash spray, or fix any plumbing leaks.
     Water is a wonderful thing that you should protect. Please use one of these
suggestions about saving water, and thank you for reading!