Saturday, November 14, 2015

Solar Powered Oven

by Fiona

My Solar Powered Oven can cook anything including pizza, chicken, fish and much more. You may be wondering, “How would this be useful in Antarctica?” I’ll tell you, I don't think you'd find many places to cook food in Antarctica because there's no electricity there! So my Solar Powered Oven is actually quite useful, Antarctica or not. The Solar Powered Oven gets its heat from solar panels. The solar panel is painted black because black absorbs heat better than white. The heat from the sun transforms into electricity, that goes through the power cord, giving the oven energy. The energy makes the oven hot, therefore cooking the food.


1 comment:

  1. What a useful appliance this would be. I could prepare pizza in the wilderness. I enjoyed your use of scientific vocabulary in this piece.
